



  Private Readings




Private Readings

Trevor offers one to one and group readings.  They are usually mediumistic readings i.e. spirit communication from loved ones in the Spirit World. Readings are also known as "sittings" - a term originating from the early days of spiritualism.  The results of a sitting can never be pre-determined but all efforts are employed by Trevor to secure a successful outcome.

It is important that the sitter arrives with an open mind and heart.  Divine energy is at work and so a possitive attitude is most important.  The sitter should speak clearly although no information should be given to the medium but friendly responsive language is always most helpful.  There are many responses given by mediums to the question "Can you call up a particular spirit person?".  The answer is both yes and no.  The process works through love and your loved ones in spirit are always around you including during a sitting.  It is more a question of whether the mediums awareness can expand towards the loved one you have in mind.  The results cannot be guaranteed but Trevor makes all efforts.

Sometimes a sitter is not really interested in a mediumistic reading but rather what may be termed a soul reading or a psychic reading.  People often seek direction in life.  You may have heard the saying "all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums.  This saying is very true. Trevor does offer the above mentioned readings - however you will not have your fortune told but may well receive clarity for the direction of your life.

Should you wish to contact Trevor for further information, please refer to the "Contact" page.